Finally, Quit Porn at the Speed of Thought – Stop Watching Porn Right Now
#1 International BESTSELLER in 5 Categories, Including Christian Self-Help and Addiction Recovery!

Three BONUS trainings ($591 Value!)

“The program was incredible, I have had this issue for years and now I am free of the issues. Thanks to Johnathan for his help on the three sessions, it only took one and was able to use the other two for other concerns WOW!!”
“No matter your age or how far down the slippery slope you are, you can overcome and break this bad habit in record time. Nelson can show you how.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What makes hypnotherapy different from traditional counseling or self-help
Answer: Traditional counseling evolved away form the foundation of all psychology models which came from hypnosis. Hypnosis has been practiced for centuries as the go-to method of rapid transformation. Modern psychology models have proven themselves far inferior in terms of overall recovery rates, including speed to results, permanency, and long-lasting change.
Question: How does the e-book address the root causes of struggles with
Answer: The book outlines the true causes of bad habits such as pornography, explaining that root causes tend to be beliefs that we created in our past that no longer work for us now. The book outlines spiritual adversarial influences that can exacerbate personal bad belief systems. Resolving, reversing, reprogramming those belief systems on the subconscious level is also explained in the book.
Question: Why is belief transformation more effective than focusing on behavior
Answer: Behavior change is very slow at best, and more often than not totally ineffective, at changing belief systems. For example, choosing to behave differently, in the form of doing push-ups to distract oneself from a temptation, is not a sure-fire way to escape the temptation. Behavioral therapies focus on the functions of the conscious mind. Hypnotherapy, which targets subconscious belief systems, is far more effective at rapidly and permanently transforming someone out of, say, an “I’m worthless” identity paradigm, than trying to change someone’s behavior in the form of, for example, deep breathing.
Question: What is the role of faith in the hypnotherapy process described in the e-
Answer: Faith is action-oriented. It’s a principle of power through mental exertion, not physical force. Faith is a process of decision-making based on what you feel is the best direction for you, despite maybe not having all the information in advance. Because faith is a decision-making process, and hypnotherapy targets informing the subconscious mind what your new decisions are in terms of your belief systems, faith is actually the key to all effective forms of therapy.
Question: How quickly can someone expect to see results using the strategies in the
Answer: Customers have reported they fixed their porn problem immediately upon reading the book, purely based on the paradigm shifts in belief system. Others employ the instructions on prayer and feel that is what helped them. Timing is not really the right question. Time doesn’t heal anything. Time only allows space for thinking. If the thinking is done in a short amount of time, then change happens rapidly. If the person takes longer to think through the problem then results will happen slower. Hypnotherapy is the process of completing the “thinking” process in as little as 1 visit.
Question: What does a typical hypnotherapy session look like?
Answer: You sit down or lie down in a comfortable chair either in our office or in your own safe space at home over zoom in an undisturbed place for up to 2 hours. During that time, you will experience one of a variety of hypnotic induction methods used by the hypnotherapist to help you access the zone or flow state known as hypnosis. Hypnosis feels different for everyone, but can be summed up as the state of rapid learning and conditioning. You may feel tired afterwards, like you just took a nap. For more details watch the testimonial videos at:
Question: Can hypnotherapy really help someone overcome long-term struggles in a
short amount of time?
Answer: Yes. The subconscious is not concerned with time or magnitude. It doesn’t care how long you’ve had the problem or how big it is. The subconscious operates much like your cell phone. If you have had a large complex app on your phone for 5 years, you can delete it just as quickly as the simple gaming app you downloaded yesterday.
Question: Is hypnotherapy safe for people who may be hesitant about the process?
Answer: Hypnotherapy has been formally approved and endorsed by The National Institute of Health, the American Medical Association, The British Medical Association, the National Psychological Association, and Christian churches. Hypnotherapy is vastly “safer” than psychedelics, medications, shock therapies, and even traditional therapies in which the therapist is attempting to give you advice that is not helpful and ultimately leads to zero results in which case you feel like more of a failure. In hypnotherapy, hesitancy can be a great way for you to rapidly enter trance. Come with whatever emotion you feel, and we’ll navigate it properly. Sometimes people report they don’t feel “safe” because they’re feeling emotional, which they have been afraid to allow themselves to feel. If your underlying hesitancy is a lack of safety, then you definitely want to do hypnotherapy and rid yourself of that anxiety!
Question: How does the e-book complement the hypnotherapy experience?
Answer: The e-book can standalone as a helpful tool, or it can be a great primer to get better work done in hypnotherapy.
Question: What steps should I take after reading the e-book to begin implementing
these strategies?
Answer: Read the “How to pray and repent” section of the book and begin practicing watching yourself, your thoughts, your words, and your deeds as outlined. Use the free tools provided in the book. Watch the PMM training, listen to the “guilt” audio, read the “curiosity” transcript. Gaining knowledge is the fastest way for you to overcome this. If you need more help, hire us to help you explore the subconscious fixations that are keeping you stuck.
Question: How does hypnotherapy align with Christian or LDS principles?
Answer: The Master said, “The truth will make you free” and “the kingdom of God is within you.” The goal of hypnotherapy is create an inner state of focus in which the truth of what exists on the subconscious level can be accessed and reprogrammed to match your conscious goals. Historically, some Christian denominations considered hypnosis to be scary mind control or devil worship. Hypnosis is simply a state of focus, akin to meditation. When facilitated by a skilled hypnotherapist, hypnosis becomes the state where a person can get in touch with the deepest side of themselves that they’ve been unacquainted with where they can finally find the truth.
Question: Is this approach appropriate for someone seeking a faith-centered
Answer: Absolutely
Question: Does the e-book provide specific examples of how to integrate Gospel
truths into the process?
Answer: Yes, the entire book is how to apply the gospel as the solution to fixing a pornography problem.
Question: Why does the e-book discourage relying on accountability partners?
Answer: I’ve never seen someone fix a porn problem by having an accountability partner. I have seen hundreds of clients who’ve used accountability partners or support groups with no success. I’ve had 3 12-step group facilitators/missionaries who were still stuck in a near-daily porn habit. I’ve seen guys attending support groups with accountability partners every night for 8 months and still can’t go a week clean. Accountability is not created from the outside, it must be created from within to be effective. Inner accountability can only happen when your belief system is truly aligned with your highest values and subconscious programs. Your inner conscience, light of Christ, and subconscious mind should be your accountability partners. See my youtube video on this topic for more detail.
Question: How can someone take personal responsibility for their freedom without
external support?
Answer: By fundamentally changing how they think about the problem on the subconscious level. I.e., changing their belief system.
Question: What role does introspection play in identifying and replacing false beliefs?
Answer: Introspection and self-awareness are the discovery processes to find out what you believe. Once you discover what you believe, then you can analyze it and change it.
Question: Are the strategies in the e-book effective for people who’ve tried other
programs and failed?
Answer; Yes, almost everyone we’ve spoken with has tried other programs for years and made no progress. Go read our customer reviews and see for yourself!
Question: What resources or tools are provided to help track progress and maintain
Answer: First, the book. Go read it! You’ll see all the initial tools and how to maintain results there. Beyond the book we have a course and one-on-one sessions available.
Question: How do I address setbacks or moments of weakness using the principles in
the e-book?
Answer: Understand there is no such thing as a setback as long as you continue to use the tools and work the program. You will be shown your weaknesses for the rest of your life. The key is turning them into strengths by recognizing how simple it is to transform those weaknesses. That’s what hypnotherapy is for!
Question: Can this process work for individuals who have deeply ingrained habits or
Answer: That would be the ideal person to undergo hypnotherapy. Every person on the planet has deeply ingrained habits and struggles. Welcome to earth life.
Question: How do the truths outlined in the e-book help maintain long-term freedom?
Answer: When you change your belief system, it becomes very easy to maintain a good habit because you believe it is good for you, and you stay motivated by the results.
Question: What steps can I take to ensure the beliefs I replace remain true?
Answer: Continuously check what you’re learning against what you believe is your moral system, and you’ll do great!
Question: Is this process suitable for someone who feels at rock bottom?
AnswerL Not only is it suitable, it’s required! Rock bottom is when the pain of staying the same is worse than the pain of changing. Every person who ever makes lasting change must hit that definition of rock bottom to transform.

More Testimonials:
“I worked with Jonathan, one of the hypnotherapists here, and saw immediate results after just one session. My personal belief is the problem was solved after that one session, however, I needed a second session to fix the problem a few months later because I didn’t follow the maintenance techniques to a T. To me, resolving emotional and mental problems is like working out. You can get your body to a certain point and call yourself ‘fit’ but if you don’t keep exercising, you will lose your ‘fit’ status. This course has shown me new techniques and skills where I can be in total control of my emotions and thoughts and utilize more of my brain (the subconscious parts) to solve problems. This ends up being way more effective than traditional talk therapy. For me, it was about what will solve the problem most quickly, and I was willing to try this out and the results have been very effective. The sound of hypnotherapy might sound funky based off of things in movies, TV shows, or just the internet, but I went into it with an open mind and saw the results I was looking for. Note, I also tried traditional talk therapy, and it was working, but to little degrees each time and costing a lot of time and dollars. It is expensive to do the sessions with the team here, but if you are looking for results, it is worth it.”
“I was aware of a change in how I perceived the beauty of a woman, and how my curiosity was reigned in, and I did not have a desire to see the undressed version of the same. For me, this has been a very powerful experience.”
Read the #1 Bestseller on How to Quit Porn at Record Speed!
Download Your Problem Isn’t Pornography E-Book or Audiobook (and bonus material!) Immediately!
“I’ve dealt with porn off and on since I was 6. Now in my thirties, married, and with kids, I was ready to try something different. I’ve tried other traditional talk therapy methods, but it seemed like they never really got to the root problem. When I saw this, I knew it was different, and I’m so grateful I gave it a shot. This has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. I’m now aware of how to manage my emotions and kick out the negative beliefs that kept me in a rut for so long. Thank you, Nelson!”
Watch the FREE Presentation How to Quit Porn Ridiculously Fast – Guaranteed!
- The 3 key secrets you must understand if you want to eliminate compulsive viewing of porn.
- Why my clients only need 1–3 sessions to eliminate porn from their life
- Why there is no more need for 12-step programs, multi-day men’s retreats, singing hymns, disappointing your spouse, and wasting precious time, money and spirituality looking at porn.

“Without question, I have a higher sense of control and the ongoing thoughts and bad behaviors have gone away, or at least are not at the forefront of my mind anymore. Truthfully, I’d have to say that I felt a change within a couple of days of applying what I was learning. Up until now, my attempts to solve this issue have been all about personal self-control, which resulted in very low self-esteem when I failed over and over again. I never considered hypnotherapy before, mostly because I wasn’t aware of it. I expected hypnosis to be more “controlling” than it actually is. I was completely aware of what was happening the entire time but was able to focus in a way that I haven’t experienced before. This course gave me a toolbox of lifelong methods to use to actually fix various issues. The medical industry doesn’t fix mental issues, only treats them. I strongly believe that as I learn to apply the things that are presented in this course, I now have the ability to recognize and self-treat those things that have held me in a state of depression and self loathing for so many years. To anyone struggling with a porn habit who is committed to finally being rid of it, I would say that the investment of time and resources to take advantage of this course can literally change your life in a way that you have likely not believed possible in the past.”